Python module to process and analyze satellite raster data.

The module can be use to create and correct raster data, make local and global calculations, classify pixels and vectorize it to polygons. Raster data can be read from and saved to files; but all the processing use and return numpy arrays for a faster result.


Focal Analysis >>>
Local and global focal analysis functions.
  • Math Algebra
  • Index Calculation
  • Filters
  • Consolutions (moving window)
Transformation >>>
Transformation and correction of rasters.
  • Rescale intensity (intensity correction)
  • Stack bands to raster
  • Stack a band to existing raster

Vector >>>

Tools to work with vector type data.
  • Clip raster by polygon bbox
  • Create raster chips from polygon bbox
  • Raster to polygons
Classify >>>
Tools to classify rasters.
  • Breaks classification (manual)
  • Base+Steps classification (manual)
  • Statistical classification (quantiles)
  • Supervised classification
  • Unsupervised classification
Plot >>>
Tools to plot image and charts.
  • Plot raster with band combination
  • Plot band and histogram


Focal Analysis >>>
Python Libraries:
  • Pandas
  • Geopandas
  • Scikit-Image
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Matplotlib


Examples of use >>>
Future list of examples.....