Geomatic Engineer - Spatial Data Science
Helping to make better decisions
through the power of spatial data.

As a Geomatic Engineer, I design solutions to specific needs, adding value to projects through the processing and visualization of geographic data. I help obtain and exploit geographic data, improving decision making processes.


Python module for raster processing and analysis.

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Python module for building and analyse geographic network.

Data Adquisition - Surveying

Scaning and measuring a world in constant changing and evoution, to provide accurate and updated data essential for a good solution design and desicion making process.

  • Topography
  • Geodesy
  • Hidrogaphy
  • Photogrammetry

Spatial Data Processing ⭐

Before any juice can be extracted from the data, it must be managed to get the best of it.

  • Data Exploration (ESDA)
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Wranggling
  • Topographic/Geodesic Data Processing
  • Point Cloud Processing

Spatial Data Analysis ⭐

Whether the data is structured, images, point cloud... using data analysis and machine learning techniques to generate new information and create insight from it.

  • Vector Analysis
  • Raster Analysis
  • Network Analysis
  • Geostatistic Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning

Data Visualization

"A picture is worth a thousand words". Information shown in charts and maps is more easily procesed, letting you make a better understanding of it.

  • Reports
  • Charts
  • Maps
  • Infographics
  • Technical Drawing

Spatial Databases

Help analyse and create strutured databases, to gather data in a consistent way.

  • GIS Data Structure Design
  • Database Implementation
  • Database Documentation
  • ETL Processes

Web maps and dashboards design

Make your own analysis and exploration of the data through the easy and powerful interaction of an app.

  • Dashboard Design
  • Web apps Design
  • Prototyping